Get ready! Santa's workshop has been temporarily relocated to my house. I have been very busy knitting up a storm, baking, and creating little gifts made with love. If you are serious about Christmas, you know it's essential to make sure Santa feels really welcome. Don't wait until the last minute to get ready for this important visit!
Making gifts at home is powerful when you like to give presents. It helps me focus less on my own wish list, and fosters an appreciation of the gifts I will be giving away.
This sweet Christmas photo card album has been a work in progress. I purchased a kit for the cover only from my friend, Norma Kooi, possibly five years back and began the process of adding family photo greeting cards each year.
It's truly amazing how everyone changes, and what a great keepsake of friends and family. So save those special Christmas and photo cards. I think it's maybe time to bring it along to family Christmas visits this year to share.
Dear Friends,
The holidays are over before you know it,
so each year I add a few more photos
to my Christmas Card art journal.
I think about what I really enjoyed,
and a jot down maybe things
I would like to do next year.
Then I let everything else go.
Nothing has to happen exactly
according to some grand plan.