When I first started seriously blogging, I began to receive sweet comments from my "imaginary" friend, Becky. I used to think quite a bit about her, where she lived, where she created her amazing pieces of art, and basically, I just loved her style. Her words were powerful, and they encouraged me.
As time passed, I would link to her very colorful blog, and think to myself "I wish I could do that!" I loved her little girl images, her mysterious backgrounds, her poetry, and the mood of her pieces. I would visit her blog practically every day, and dream about the art she posted. Sometimes we would coincidentally have the same background on our blogs. It was rather funny! Then I started commenting back, and we exchanged a few "Awards."
Today, I have turned some of my work towards the things I love about Becky's style. I couldn't believe it when she opened her own shop and started selling her own digital collage sheets. I was in heaven! It seems like I have known Becky for ages, but we have only known each other for a blip in time.
You can imagine my surprise, when I received this gorgeous bookmark in the mail this past weekend. She wrote on the package "Happy Valentine's Day.....sending sweet Valentine wishes your way." ~ Becky. I feel so honored to own this original piece of artwork from my friend who lives half across the country. I am so glad we met this way, but a little sad that I may never meet her in person during my lifetime. Thank heavens for artful blogging!