Thursday, January 29, 2009
I Have OWOH Disorder
I haven't even visited my normal blogs for nearly a week, and even canceled an appointment so I could hit some more sites. The first day, I was up to 2:00 a.m. The second day I practically spent the entire day goofing off! Luckily, my boss at work is my husband!! He wanted to know today if I was "on strike."
Anyway, do you think Miss Lisa Swifka, has some type of support group set up for those of us who have developed a OWOH disorder??
I can't even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this event! I have met some very sweet people all over the world with heartfelt stories and stunning blogs. Oh, I think I don't want this to ever end.....but, I need to finish my "Snow Globe" project for Saturday. That should be enough to make me rise up and make something extra special from my overload of internet inspiration. AFTER I check out a couple more blogs......
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
One World-One Heart Giveaway

I hereby announce my very first giveaway in the third annual "One World~One Heart Giveaway." This event enables bloggers the world over an opportunity to meet new friends...AND you might even win a gorgeous handmade gift!
To learn more, and to see a list of the participating blogs with their links, just click here. You may even want to do a giveaway on your own blog too! Whether you want to do a giveaway or just enter to win as you pop from blog to blog entering drawings, you undoubtedly will come across some very cool blogs that you might never have happened to come across otherwise.
And for My Giveaway.....
To enter my drawing you must be an active blogger. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. Please be sure to include your email address. The drawing is February 12th. I will contact you via e-mail and post the winner on my blog. If you want to know even more about this event, click here. There are a lot of very generous people with great blogs to share, and many wonderful items being offered!
I would like to give away a pair of hand-knitted "Bella's Mittens" as pictured here. They are completely washable made with Plymouth Yarn, the "Encore Colors" in the shade "Faded Blue." They are 75% acrylic and 25% wool. Now, all you have to do is add a comment with your email address to this post. Thanks for all your heartfelt comments! I sincerely appreciate them.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Things I Love About Winter

As the snow fell outside my window this afternoon, I spotted these precious doves huddled together on a branch which holds four bird feeders in our back yard. The snow has not stopped since 10:00 o'clock this morning. Right now, we are experiencing 17 degrees, but actually feels more like 3 degrees. I started my art journal today for Terri, and almost finished the background. I am still gathering images, and color ideas. I guess, it's a perfect opportunity to create some art! Winter in Michigan this year has been brutal. I just want to see some sunshine and a little less snowflakes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bella's Mittens
These absolutely gorgeous mittens, as worn by Kristen Stewart in the movie "Twilight," and designed by the talented and generous Marielle Henault, are becoming my most recent obsession. This is a photo of my dear daughter, Amy wearing them! I'm in love with these mittens. Wow, and they fit my hands too! It's a great pattern; quick, easy, and elegant (yet somewhat of a challenge for me). Thank you, Marielle, for making it available to all knitters for free! Please go to my favorite links, and hit "Subliminal Rabbit." On her December 29, 2008 post, near the bottom, you can download this beautiful mitten pattern.
Am I Really A Jackie?
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...
You Are a Jackie!
You are a Jackie. "I do everything the right way."
Jackies are realistic, conscientious, and principled. They strive to live up to their high ideals.
How to Get Along with Me
* Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work.
* Acknowledge my achievements.
* I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am.
* Tell me that you value my advice.
* Be fair and considerate, as I am.
* Apologize if you have been unthoughtful. It will help me to forgive.
* Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but hear my worries first.
What I Like About Being a Jackie
* Being self-disciplined and able to accomplish a great deal
* Working hard to make the world a better place
* Having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself
* Being reasonable, responsible, and dedicated in everything I do
* Being able to put facts together, coming to good understandings, and figuring out wise solutions
* Being the best I can be and bringing out the best in other people
What's Hard About Being a Jackie
* Being disappointed with myself or others when my expectations are not met
* Feeling burdened by too much responsibility
* Thinking that what I do is never good enough
* Not being appreciated for what I do for people
* Being upset because others aren't trying as hard as I am
* Obsessing about what I did or what I should do
* Being tense, anxious, and taking things too seriously
Jackies as Children Often
* Criticize themselves in anticipation of criticism from others
* Refrain from doing things that they think might not come out perfect
* Focus on living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers
* Are very responsible; may assume the role of parent
* Hold back negative emotions ("good children aren't angry")
Jackies as Parents
* Teach their children responsibility and strong moral values
* Are consistent and fair
* Discipline firmly
Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Ravelry Knitting
Joining Ravelry is amazing and it's free! I have been checking out some of the most gorgeous knitting projects, plus there are patterns for most of them. In between my other art projects, I have been knitting these microfiber dishcloths. I stumbled into one of our local knitting stores called Skeins on Main, where there was a bargain bin. Naturally, I grabbed enough for three dishcloths. This lovely luxury yarn is a blend of 65% cotton and 35% microfiber called Jo Sharp Aran Cotton. It feels wonderful as you are handknitting a project. My all time favorite dishcloth pattern was graciously shared by Homespun Living.
My other project that has been seriously frustrating me is a pair of mittens. I finally completed my first error free right hand. I now have four (yes four!!) right hands done, all different colors, all different sizes. Maybe I need another hand? But, for crying out loud, my brain had turned to mush and needed a break from the mittens for a day. Now, I have one left hand to go. I can't wait to show you in a few days. They are an amazing pair of mittens.
Friday, January 02, 2009
A Colorful New Year

Wow...another year! 2008 has been full in so many ways. 2009 promises to be another year with so many more colorful adventures. I'm excited to see what comes, and to share it here with you. Some of us think of "out with the old and in with the new." Some of us may think of New Year's Resolutions. Some may think of change. And some like me, well they just may think of all the things that they wanted to do and time just has a way of slipping away. I want to thank all of you who have stopped by this past six months to visit my little blog, whether you have commented or not. I sincerely appreciate all of you. I intend to approach this new year feeling fresh and full of new found energy.
Happy New Year!
Hugs, Nancy