Wow! I was certainly honored and surprised to receive "A Sunshine Award." This adorable photo sure makes me imagine the warmth of spring, summer vacations, and the time change. This award is really very very flattering.
It is awarded to bloggers whose positiveness and creativity inspires others in the blogging world. I am so humbled to be considered in this way. For me, visiting blogs that make me happy is basically the reason why I started blogging.
I love escaping to some foreign land, viewing photos of places I will never be able to visit, becoming inspired from the talents of others, and sometimes just loving the music on a friend's blog. I adore finding exciting new recipes shown in breathtaking photos in hot summer places. It's all about attitude when it comes to being happy. Blogging can sure let you escape to something really fun when you need it.
My "Sunshine Award" was presented to me by Diana of "Adventuring Through Life"
The rules for accepting this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award.
Thank you, Diana, for such a loving award. I am so honored to be considered someone with a positive attitude plus having creativity to share.
My nominees are:
Join in the fun by visiting a new blog today. Take a look at these blogs with beauty and enjoy the ride! You may just find a place to bring YOU a little sunshine!