Sunday, March 04, 2012

It's More Than A Photo

How many times have you sat down at your work table and tried to think up something to create? Often I start an idea and then trash it, or start something else and am unable to get those ideas down just the way I imagined them. When I finally settle down and focus, I realize that I connect most of my art to what my heart and head are telling me to do. It is way easier to just begin and see what happens.

My latest collaborative project entitled "Self-Portrait involves a page of my past, the present, and my future. This page will be my second page, obviously a non-traditional photo of the Adams Family. I really had fun working with some digital art, and adding faces of my family.

"It's never too late
to become the person
you always meant
to be."


  1. Such a lovely blog! So glad I found you; I'm now a follower!
    Anne ♥♥

  2. very nice blog and arts! What an inspiration you give to the readers:)

  3. Nancy... what a fabulous picture!!! How cool to have incorporated your faces.... I LOVE it!


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy