Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jane's Tomato Basil Soup

My mom has to be my "official" introduction to the kitchen. She let me scoot the kitchen chair up to the side of our beige Formica table, add some ingredients to the batter after she had already thoroughly mixed it. "Just making sure I did it right," she used to say and give me a smile. It made me feel very important and grown up! Making favorite recipes bring back these memories and helps me feel very satisfied with a yummy food creation in the present.

"Eat food. Not too much.
Mostly plants." ~ Michael Pollan

My sister, Jane, gave me this great recipe. I really like the flavors in a good tomato soup, especially when you add fresh basil. Bon Appetit.



  1. Sounds yummy Nancy! My dh LOVES homemade tomato soup... I have fresh basil growing in my kitchen... made oven roasted potatoes with it the other day... yummy! Love the cards... glad you are sharing your pics with us!

  2. You just keep on cranking out these beautiful recipe, Nance and before you know it'll have enough to have a book made! (smile) And what a beautiful book that would be!

  3. Sweet Nancy I do hope your Mother's Day is filled with Magical smiles and lots of love!
    XXXOOO filled with Love


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