Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mad Tea Party Brownies

Little did I know when I started an art journal a few years ago, that it was the beginning of a journey towards a series of of recipe cards with an "Alice In Wonderland" theme.

The roots of these cards came through the inspiration of my artist friends, Deb and Teri, when we began designing our "Mad Tea Party" books. That book still is a work in progress for me! Hopefully, within the next few months, I can present to you some of my special recipes focused on this "through the looking glass" theme.



  1. Lovin the Theme and those cards are great!!! Wow Nancy you are goin' Pro with the digital!1 You go girl!!!

  2. Nancy: I just love all your recipe cards. They are such an inspiration.

  3. From Lewis Carroll to the inspiration of the Catherine Moore Mad Tea party stamps to a crazy Idea I had in my head for a Mad Tea party book to the collaborative work of the Group Art to these wonderfully creative recipe cards you are creating... there is no end to the fun we can have with this theme! Artfully done Nance!

  4. I am new to blogging and my friend Jill from Feathers and Flight has been helping me..This morning she suggested your page to me and I see why!! I am now one of your avid followers!!!


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy