Sunday, August 22, 2010

Got Cake?

There never was a cake I didn't like, especially chocolate fudge cake. I am fond of banana cake, the stately coconut layer cake and there's the magnificent Italian cream cake in all it's glory. And how about old-fashioned pound cake with strawberries? Or even give me a piece of angel food cake. The list goes on and on. I love that some people just have a knack for whipping up high and handsome cakes. These labors of love grace both elegant sideboards and kitchen tables as symbols of a good cook. There's a definite skill involved in measuring and mixing. You can even make a cupcake and feel proud of your accomplishment!

The results are sure worth the effort, even with paper, glue, and glitter. I made these artist trading cards to share with Becky Loyall of Whymsical Musings, and Wendy Aspinall from Bliss Angels. Like my grand daughter Lauren says, "I love cake!"

And, now for the unbelievably gorgeous artist trading cards I received from my friends, Becky and Wendy. I was completely blown away!

Artwork by Becky Loyall, Whymsical Musings

Artwork by Wendy Aspinall, Bliss Angels

Thanks you SO MUCH......these cards are amazing!


  1. I promise I'm not looking.... OH okay I peeked, just for a second. Oh I can't wait, thank you Wendy

  2. Yes, cake is one of the more divine things. All the different kinds and just so good...are there any that are bad? Awe Lauren and her magical little cupcake.
    The "Got Cake" artwwork,sweetness once again.

  3. Your art cards are lovely and that Lauren is a cutie! How fun to swap every month with friends. Hope you are having a great week. :) Tammy

  4. Now I want cake!!! Your cards are lovely!!


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