Friday, January 29, 2010

Woodland Gnome Sweater

Now, after more than 60 years of observation, I feel that the time has come to put my experience and findings on paper. Having received permission of course, from the authorized council of gnomes, it is my belief that this post may fill somewhat of a deplorable gap.

In earlier times, the gnome was an accepted member in society. But that was a time when waters were clear and when the heavens were only filled with birds and stars. Now that we are so concerned with saving what is left of nature's treasures, there is some hope that gnomes will begin to move about more freely.

A "Woodland," or "Forest Gnome, " is probably the most common and one of my favorites. Folklorists insist that the cap they wear is not its principal function. Rather it is an indispensable head covering that has the power to render a gnome invisible.

So today, I am willing to show you this sweater for a two-year old little gnome. It will be a gift to my niece's little boy, a miniature person who speaks our language, yet mixed with strange words. I have spoken to this little man. I believe he is a descendant of a race called Kuwalden, known for their fondness to drink milk.

My belief that he may be a "Woodland," or "Forest Gnome" is probably difficult to really verify. He is still a little shy, and is very good-natured. However, he does have a tendency to tell melancholy tales.

Even though my nephew resembles a little gnome, I doubt it can be entirely true. Gnomes visit their birthday tree yearly on Midsummer's Eve and add a carving to the bark. He celebrates his birthday every January, where in Gnomeland, birthdays are not celebrated. Little Giovanni dwells on the fact that he is another year older. Upon request from faraway friends and family, he will extend these birthday weeks for an unlimited period.

Happy Birthday, little one!

Exerpts taken from the book GNOMES, by Axel Munthe, Copyright 1976, A Peacock Press, Bantam Book


  1. Oh I adore this post, what a wonderfull story. I love and truley believe in Gnomes and Fairys! Happy B-day to your nephew. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Nancy, I am grinning from ear to ear. What a fabulous post. And the little gnomes sweater is beautiful.

  3. NICE post ! beautiful sweater!

  4. What a magical photo the first one is - jut love it. Love the sweater:)

  5. Oh Nancy this post lifted my spirits such a lovely lovely post! And what a lucky lucky little Gnome I know he will adore the sweater:)

  6. Nancy I think I have that book .... how funny! Great little story... cute sweater! I can see it coupled with the gnome hat!!

  7. just looooove your blog ...!!!
    hugs mina

  8. What a wonderful little sweater your little gnome should treasure this!


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