Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Almost Here


The One World One Heart Event is almost here again and I will be offering at least one giveaway, but most likely more than one. I have been busy creating just for this special once-a-year extravaganza!

On January 25th, I will post the giveaway. All that you have to do is leave a comment and your email address. This will be your chance to win my giveaway or giveaways! Please remember to leave your email address, as this is the only way I will be able to contact you later.

For more detailed information, please visit Lisa Swifka at A Whimsical Bohemian. Join me on the "Magic Carpet Ride" on January 25th. It is really quite an amazing adventure!


  1. it sounds like a great event! Enjoy it..I bet you make all kinds of new blogger friends.

  2. I love surprises I enjoyed looking around your blog love your coffee warmers a very unique idea

    I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
    carolyn h


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy