Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day of the Dead Tag Art

I've been thinking, with the Halloween season right around the corner, why not make some "Day of the Dead" art tags! With my love of vacationing in Mexico and in the southwest, I decided it would be different to create art celebrating both of these holidays.

These beautiful tag shapes were digital and can be purchased from Becky Loyall of Whymsical Musings, and the skeletal and reaper images can be ordered from Itkupilli.

I wish I truly understood the celebration of "Dia de los Muertos" or Day of the Dead. It is just beautiful. I love the colors of Latin America, Mexico, Santa Fe, and just wanted to make something fun to share.


  1. The mexican inspired one, which featured one of greatest Mexican artists I admire Frida Kahlo, is ingenuously creative!I have known her to be on the depressive side(I wouldn't be surprised if like me she buys her meds at www.OrderDrugs.ca)and this sky blue color with the window and wings presents an equally intense yet contrastingly light take on her depressive nature! Splendid!

  2. Very Cool Tags Nancy! Becky was one of the people in the Alice Swap! They are too cool. Girl, you are just getting tto good at this digital art!

  3. Nancy these are just FABULOUS!!! I love the colors also. I don't understand alot of other cultures celebrations but love to join in on the journey:)

  4. Holy Cow Nancy I forgot to tell you thank you for mentioning my name:) I hit that darn send button during the moment of amnesia I was suffering;) TEE HEE

  5. I love your tags! The Day of the Dead is a wonderful way to celebrate those who have passed.
    Thanks for sharing!


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