Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ghostly Vision Digital Collage

It looks like I have really caught the Halloween "bug" this time! I have been busy planning and researching potential projects for the Halloween swaps that I joined this year.

This image was created in Photoshop Elements, with purchased collage sheets. I am hoping that this will fit on a composition book for one of my friends. Lastly, I will add some appropriate paper for the inside with some eerie images and cool ribbons for the binding. Just had to share my latest creation!



  1. Hi Nancy, love your newest blog my style. Hope your doing well, can't wait to see more of your awesome art work.

  2. Things are looking spooky over here. Great job!

  3. Nancy I see you have "decked" out for Halloween already. Can't wait to start on the projects! Love all the digital stuff you have been doing lately awesome.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Wonderful job. Halloween is my favorite holiday :)


  5. I am not sure whether my comment went through or not so here I am again. Your digital artwork is stunning. This picture is so beautiful and touching and meticulously crafted. I love your blog.

  6. Hi Nancy, I was just strolling through your blog. (I arrived here through Moonlight Journey.) I really like your art work, nice selection of music too! So I became a follower today, I've been bad lately with my blog- not being attentive enough, been so busy, but I'm loving being a part of the art blogging world. Thank You for sharing, Ill be stopping by again soon.


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy