Friday, May 29, 2009

Having A Good Time, Pardner!

I am probably one of the first members to attend the KC Willis Collage Camp at The Lipstick Ranch! KC is a natural born teacher. You will learn how to assemble fabric collages with new meaning! You will learn how to start collecting doo dads, searching for vintage images, and staining fabrics, in new and exciting ways. She teaches you how to add heartfelt words to your projects. I am having a great time and always learning new stuff!

I probably have watched the class videos a half dozen times, and each time I learn something I didn't hear the first time. Since my sewing machine was in for repair and finally back, I can focus on finishing one of my first projects. What I especially like is talking and reading in the discussion groups, and seeing every one's artwork once you join. I had so much fun attending this camp and didn't want it to end! Her generosity is so apparent, that she has decided to have a $300 giveaway. Please check out this cool video to whet your creativity to sign up for camp.

Drop a comment at the giveaway blog The Lipstick Ranch, stating that you have bandied about the Camp logo shamelessly and your name will get in the drawing for a $300 Lipstick Ranch get-whatever-the heck-you-want shopping spree. Fabulous fabric, art, DVD's, books, collage kits...whatever the heck you want. The drawing will be held in 3 weeks on Monday, June 15th. You can even grab the little icon off the Camp front page and check out class details. If you don't have a blog, post it on your Facebook page, or on any other art group you belong to. Send postcards--you know..."Having a wonderful time...wish you were here."

Can't wait to show you my first piece of art!


  1. Hi Nancy, just dropped by to see your blog,,fun!!!! How's the collage going? I think I am hooked!

  2. Hi Marcie,
    I have it about half done My daughter dropped in this Tuesday for the week and put a damper on my art projects. We've been hunting for goodies at thrift stores and garage sales. So, not all is in vain. Found some awesome vintage dresser scarves, linens, etc. Now, I am anxious about cutting them. How crazy are we? Loved KC's class, and sure look at things differently. Been on a lookout for western-inspired things! Thanks for visiting again.

  3. Hey Nan I can't wait to see what you are creating! This class sounds soooo fabulous!


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy