Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Have OWOH Disorder

Okay, I am also seriously out of control. Really, I probably shouldn't be allowed near my computer until this thing is over. Is anyone else obsessively visiting every single site on the "One World One Heart" besides me?

I haven't even visited my normal blogs for nearly a week, and even canceled an appointment so I could hit some more sites. The first day, I was up to 2:00 a.m. The second day I practically spent the entire day goofing off! Luckily, my boss at work is my husband!! He wanted to know today if I was "on strike."

Anyway, do you think Miss Lisa Swifka, has some type of support group set up for those of us who have developed a OWOH disorder??

I can't even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this event! I have met some very sweet people all over the world with heartfelt stories and stunning blogs. Oh, I think I don't want this to ever end.....but, I need to finish my "Snow Globe" project for Saturday. That should be enough to make me rise up and make something extra special from my overload of internet inspiration. AFTER I check out a couple more blogs......


  1. I hear ya sista...I have the OWOH illness too. It's what I'm doing right now... seeing if I missed anything or anyone and then taking the time to go back a visit on thier blogs.

    Just have fun doing the globies. Looking forward to seeing my journal page.
    Deb told me you were sick...hope you are feeling much much better!

  2. Yeah, I've got the disease as well - it's way too fun! :)

  3. Help's spreading! I wake up wondering, are there more today? Did I miss any? Just how many links will Blogger let you list before it makes you start another blog???? I am sorry to have been the one to "infect you" Nancy. I didn't realize how bad it would get for all of us.

  4. I have this disorder too -- OWOH has seriously eaten into my art time.....


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy