Saturday, December 06, 2008

Falling Leaves

With the many things I try to manage in my household for one month, I admit that I wasn't too excited about assuming the added responsibility of completing five of these leaves for my art club this month. For several weeks, I just kept looking for ideas, but nothing was clicking. Last Sunday, I just had to start and just let it happen. Whenever I find myself struggling, I go back to my stash of collected clip art, and this is what emerged. Thanks once again to Mind Wide Open, I "got 'er done!"


  1. Hi,
    I am scrapbooker and card maker, also. I love what you did to those leaves. I have lots of paper scraps and it is amazing what we can do with them. right now I am making Christmas cards for my friends and family. I live in Northwest Arkansas and it is very cold today. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

  2. Thank you, Leslie. Yes, it is very cold and miserable here in Michigan today too! My husband likes to drive somewhere, anywhere, when it snows for some reason. Right now he wants to know if I want to go Christmas shopping....yeah, right. I hope you check out some of the links I have on my "favorites." There are many ideas that may give you inspiration for your cards.
    Take care,

  3. Well unlike the making, they were posted quickly! They look great Nancy. This was a tough one, well next month "snowglobes" (winter, snow themed).

  4. Love the photo as well as the artist soulution you came up with for the leaves swap. It may have taken awhile to get them done but you did it!

    My snow globes are conceptualized. and one prototype is complete now All I have to do is put them together. This is were I tend to procrastinate.
    I didn't use any photos. only stamped one image. My over all size is 4" tall and my circle/globe is 3"


Thanks for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I will respond as quickly as possible. Kindly, Nancy